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Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans

Zhang Q, Heldermon C, Toler-Franklin C. Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans. Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020 October; 12509. DOI: Abstract We present an algorithm for multi-scale tumor (chimeric cell) detection in high resolution slide scans. The broad range of tumor sizes in […]

3-D Material Style Transfer for Reconstructing Unknown Appearance in Complex Natural Materials

Ranjan S, Toler-Franklin C. 3-D Material Style Transfer for Reconstructing Unknown Appearance in Complex Natural Materials arXiv:2112.15589. 2021. Abstract We propose a 3-D material style transfer framework for reconstructing invisible (or faded) appearance properties in complex natural materials. Our algorithm addresses the technical challenge of transferring appearance properties from one object to another of […]