Princeton University, Computer Science Department
Ph.D., Computer Science
Research Areas: Computer Graphics and Computer Vision
Topics: Acquisition and analysis of the shape and appearance of real-world objects. Algorithms for
processing and visualizing complex datasets including matching and non- photorealistic rendering.
Thesis: Matching, Visualizing and Archiving Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using Multi-Channel Images Teaching: COS 126 General Computer Science, COS 226 Algorithms and Data Structures
Advisor: Dr. Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Cornell University, Program of Computer Graphics
M.S., Architecture, Major: Computer Graphics
Research Areas: Conceptual modeling tools for architectural design
Topics: Developed a visualization system to teach the mathematical concepts behind projective geometry. Introduced software and novel digital rear-projected display systems to architecture students at Cornell.
Thesis: A Computer-Based Approach for Teaching Architectural Drawing
Teaching: Introduced architecture students to computer graphics in a novel design studio. Advisor: Dr. Donald Greenberg
Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art and Planning
B.Arch (Class Rank 4 out of 21)
Thesis: On Site Museum of Oral History, Nassau, Bahamas
Cornell Abroad: Studied significant architectural works and cultures in Italy, Africa and Malta
Professional Experience
Columbia University, Barnard College
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Director, Graphics Imaging & Light Measurement Laboratory (GILMLab)
University of Florida Gainesville, Computer & Information Science & Engineering Dept.
Assistant Professor, Computer Science
Director, Graphics Imaging & Light Measurement Laboratory (GILMLab)
University of California Davis, Computer Science Department, Davis, CA
UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellow
University of California Berkeley, CITRIS Banatao Institute, Berkeley, CA
Affiliated Researcher
Yale University, Computer Science Department, New Haven, CT
Yale Postdoctoral Fellow – Working with Professor Holly Rushmeier
Adobe Systems, Advanced Technology Labs, San Jose, CA
Computer Vision Group –Developed system for creating computer-generated mosaics.
Google Inc., Boulder, Colorado
Google SketchUp Team – Developed prototype for controlling line density in SketchUp models.
Autodesk Inc., San Francisco, CA
Software Engineer – 3D Graphics System Team
Implemented platform enhancements to the 3D graphics system to improve efficiency; Developed 3D navigation, rendering, and presentation tools; Developed API’s for 3rd party developers; Notable contributions to AutoCAD 2002, 2004 and 2005: 3D Graphics Configuration, True Color Support, Shaded Viewport Plotting, 3D Navigation Tools, Microsoft Windows Logo Certification, and Sheet Set Management.
Special Project – Strategic Accounts: Led pilot project between Autodesk executives and two international architecture firms – HOK and Gensler; Consulted on-site at firms to develop and integrate new technologies.
Hawley Peterson & Snyder Architects, Mountain View, CA
Software Engineer/Project Architect
Led collaborative Design-Assist project to integrate Building Information Modeling Technology into the design process to estimate construction time/cost: Projects – Camino Medical Group Campus, Palo Alto Medical Facility.
Teaching Experience
Deep Learning for Computer Graphics, Columbia University, Barnard College, COMS BC3997 Sec.003 Spring 2024
Deep Learning for Computer Graphics, University of Florida CAP5404, Fall 2022
Introduced new graduate-level AI course in the Florida State-Wide Numbering System
Deep Learning for Computer Graphics, University of Florida CAP4613, Spring 2022
Introduced new graduate-level AI course in the Florida State-Wide Numbering System
Introduction to Medical Science Seminar 1 (Translational Neuroscience),
University of Florida MDU4001, Spring 2020, Spring 2021, Spring 2022, Spring 2023
Co-Teach course for honors students, University of Florida College of Medicine
Special Topics, Deep Learning for Computer Graphics,
University of Florida CIS6930/4930, Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Fall 2021
Undergraduate and graduate co-listed course: special topics in computer science
Computational Structures in Computer Graphics,
University of Florida CAP4730, Spring 2017, Fall 2018, Spring 2019
Undergraduate course
Advanced Computer Graphics, University of Florida CAP6701, Spring 2016, Spring 2018
Graduate course
Computer Graphics, University of Florida CAP5705, Fall 2015, Fall 2017
Graduate course
Special Topics, 3D Imaging & Visualization in Computer Graphics,
University of Florida CIS 6930/4930, Spring 2015
Undergraduate and graduate co-listed course: special topics in computer science
Graduate Student Advising
Chair – Ph.D Thesis Committees
Aashish Dhwan, Computer Science, University of Florida, Expected Graduation May 2027
Michael Perez, Computer Science, University of Florida, Expected Graduation May 2026
Shashank Ranjan, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated May 2020
Qile Zhu, Computer Science, University of Florida, (Advised 2015-2016)
Member – Ph.D Thesis Committees
Ethan Wilson, Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Expected Graduation May 2026
Jennifer Cremer, Computer Science, University of Florida, Expected Graduation, May 2025
Sara Pickernell, Psychology, University of Florida, Expected Graduation May 2025
Sydney Lower, Physics, University of Florida, Expected Graduation May 2024
Jeremy Youngquist, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated, May 2024
Ruiliang Gao, Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Graduated May 2024
Brendan David-John, Computer Science, University of Florida, (Advised 2018-2020)
Ronald Wilson, Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Graduated June 2021
Icaro Alzuru, Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Graduated May 2020
Hao Gan, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, University of Florida, Graduated December 2018
Daeun Choi, Agricultural & Biological Engineering, University of Florida, Graduated August 2017
Michael Borish, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated December 2016
Chair – M.S. Thesis Committee
Daniel Quintero, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated December 2021
Manjog Singh, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated December 2021
Shashank Ranjan, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated August 2016
Chair – M.S. Project Committee
Utkarsh Garg, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated August 2016
Qile Zhu, Computer Science, University of Florida, Graduated August 2015
Research Software Developed
iDigFossils App
Developed 3D visualization app for interpreting fossils to teach STEM concepts in middle schools
Developed hardware and software for data capture, normal reconstruction and computer assisted matching.
Deployed system on-site at the Akrotiri Excavation Laboratory of Wall Paintings, Santorini, Greece
Developed system for generating scientific visualizations of surface details on real-world objects.
Sponsored Research
Unified Local and Global Attention Interaction Modeling for Vision Transformers
Tan Nguyen, Coy D. Heldermon, Corey Toler-Franklin.arXiv:2301.06187.
CNN-Based Action Recognition and Pose Estimation for Classifying
Animal Behavior from Videos: A Survey
Michael Perez, Corey Toler-Franklin.arXiv:2301.06187.
3-D Material Style Transfer for Reconstructing Unknown Appearance in Complex Natural Materials
Shashank Ranjan, Corey Toler-Franklin.arXiv:2112.15589.
Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Layered Materials: A Multispectral Approach
Corey Toler-Franklin, Shashank Ranjan.arXiv:2109.00780.
Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans
Qingchao Zhang, Coy D. Heldermon, Corey Toler-Franklin. Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020 October; 12509. DOI:
Learning How to Match Fresco Fragments
Thomas Funkhouser, Hijung Shin, Corey Toler-Franklin, Antonio Garcia Castaneda, Benedict Brown, David Dobkin, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Tim Weyrich.
Eurographics 2011 Special Area Track on Cultural Heritage, Llandudno, UK
Multi-Feature Matching of Fresco Fragments
Corey Toler-Franklin, Benedict Brown, Tim Weyrich, Thomas Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), Seoul, Korea
A System for High-Volume Acquisition and Matching of Fresco Fragments: Reassembling Theran Wall Paintings:
Benedict Brown, Corey Toler-Franklin, Diego Nehab, Michael Burns, Andreas Vlachopoulos, Christos Doumas, David Dobkin, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Tim Weyrich.
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH), Los Angeles, CA
Illustration of Complex Real-World Objects using Images with Normals.
Corey Toler-Franklin, Adam Finkelstein, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering (NPAR) San Diego, CA
Principles and Practices of Robust, Photography-based Digital Imaging Techniques for Museums:
Co-presented full day course. Presented acquisition and rendering algorithms for museum conservation. VAST 11th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage
(Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2010), Palais du Louvre, Paris, France
Journal Papers
Learning How to Match Fresco Fragments
Thomas Funkhouser, Hijung Shin, Corey Toler-Franklin, Antonio Garcia Castaneda, Benedict Brown, David Dobkin, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Tim Weyrich.
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 4(2)
Textbook Chapters
Chapter 14: Rock art as digital heritage: advances is photo enhancement technology and digital archiving Ruth Tringham, Michael Ashley and Cinzia Perlingieri (University of California, Berkeley) , Liam Brady (University of Western Australia), Mark Mudge, Tommy Noble, Neffra Matthews, Szymon Rusinkiewicz , Corey Toler-Franklin and Carla Schroer (Cultural Heritage Imaging, Princeton University), Wiley Publishing 2012.
Invited Talks/Workshops
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Computational Biology Seminar Series, Department of Bioinformatics
University of South Florida, Physics Department, Fall 2023 Colloquium,
Multispectral Analysis and Deep Learning for Life Science and Biomedical Research
Purdue University, Conference for African-American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences
Multispectral Analysis and Deep Learning for Life Science and Biomedical Research
Sorbonne Center for Artificial Intelligence (SCAI), Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
Fostering Collaborative Breakthroughs in Heritage Science Through Machine Learning and Data Science
Rochester Institute of Technology, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester, New York
Multispectral Analysis and Deep Learning for Life Science and Biomedical Research
College of Medicine, University of Florida
Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Medicine
C. A. Pound Human Identification Forensics Laboratory, University of Florida
Deep Learning Applications for Material Identification in Forensic Science
Department of Neuroscience, College of Medicine, University of Florida
Deep Learning Algorithms for Improving Efficacy and Reproducibility in Animal Behavioral Studies
College of Medicine, University of Florida
Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Medicine
International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), San Diego, CA
Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans
College of Medicine, University of Florida
Artificial Intelligence and The Future of Medicine
C.A. Pound Human Identification Laboratory, University of Florida
Multispectral Analysis Algorithms for Life Science Research
American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York
Optical Imaging Systems for Simulating Biological Material Structures
McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesville, FL
Harnessing Pattern Detection and Deep Learning Algorithms to Improve Efficiency, Accuracy and Throughput of Animal Behavior Studies
Savannah’s Tech and Innovation Showcase, The Guild Hall, Savannah Georgia
Med Tech Innovations: Current and Future Trends
NYCEP (the New York Consortium in Evolutionary Primatology) and the Richard Gilder Graduate School at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York
3D Multi-Spectral Imaging & Analysis Methods for Applications in
Biodiversity & Cultural Heritage Preservation
Yale University, Center for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage, New Haven, Connecticut
3D Imaging & Analysis Methods for Applications in Biodiversity
University of California San Diego, Conference for African American Researchers in the Mathematical Sciences, San Diego, CA
Multi-Spectral Imaging Techniques for Analyzing Biological Specimens
University of Florida iDigBio HUB, Gainesville, Florida
Data Capture and Analysis of Artifacts and Biological Specimens Using Multi-Channel Images
The National Evolutionary Synthesis Center, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Multi-Spectral Imaging Techniques for Analyzing Biological Specimens
Lehman College CUNY Computer Science Department, Bronx, New York
Analyzing Biological Specimens Using Multi-Spectral Images
University of California Berkeley, The CITRIS Banatao Institute, Berkeley, California
Research Exchange Series: Matching, Visualizing, and Archiving Artifacts Using Multi-Channel Images
The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), New York, New York
Data Acquisition Techniques for Documenting and Analyzing Biological Specimens
Yale University Computer Science Department, New Haven CT
Matching, Visualizing and Archiving Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using Multi-Channel Images
Yale University, Peabody Museum, SPNHC 27th Annual meeting, New Haven, CT
Digitizing the Thera Frescoes : Practical 3D acquisition methods for museum conservation
Adobe Systems, Inc., Advanced Technologies Lab, San Francisco, California
Matching, Visualizing and Archiving Cultural Heritage Artifacts Using Multi-Channel Images
University of California Berkeley Computer Science Department, Berkeley, California
Visual Computing Lab Talk: Computer Graphics and Computer Vision Techniques for Preserving Artifacts
Akrotiri Excavation Laboratory of Wall Paintings, Santorini, Greece
Summer Workshop Session: A Matching System for Reassembling the Theran Frescos
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
RTISAD Oxford Workshop: Digital Transformations: New developments in cultural heritage imaging
University of California Los Angeles Math Department, Los Angeles, California
Guest Lecturer: Applied Math/Image Processing Seminar: Pattern Matching Algorithms and Reassembly Systems
Hewlett Packard Laboratories Palo Alto, California
Technical Talk Series: Computer Graphics for Cultural Heritage Preservation
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Computer Graphics Techniques for Digitizing and Visualizing Artifacts
Rochester Institute of Technology, Center for Imaging Science, Rochester, New York
Colloquium Talk: Matching, Visualizing and Analyzing Artifacts Using Multi-Channel Images
The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Conservation Department, New York, New York
Generating Scientific Illustrations using Non-Photorealistic Rendering
Adobe Systems, Inc., San Jose, California
Non-Photorealistic Illustration using RGBN Images
Google Inc., Boulder Colorado
Google Tech Talk Series: A Prototype for Controlling Line Density in 3D Models
Professional Service
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
European Association for Computer Graphics (EG)
IEEE Computer Society
National Society of Black Engineers (NESBE)
American Institute of Architects (AIA)
National Organization of Minority Architects (NOMA)
Wesley L. Harris Scientific Society (Founding Member),
Princeton, University (WLHSS)
Technical Program Committee Memberships, Editorial Boards and Grant Review Panels
MIT Press, Computer Science Division, Reviewer 2022 – present
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2021-present
Euroviz 2021-present
Quantitative InfraRed Thermography Journal 2019-present
International Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG) 2019-present
An International Journal of Systems & Applications in Computer Graphics 2017-present
Computers & Graphics, by Elsevier Editorial Publishing, 2017-present
IEEE International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM), 2016-present
IEE International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM) 2016-present
Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH), 2014-present
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2013 – present
International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2010, 2011, 2013
Digital Heritage 2013 (Under the patronage of UNESCO), International Congress 2013
Eurographics International Scientific Committee 2010-present
NSF Panel Reviewer 2015-present: Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR), Information and Intelligent Systems (IIS), Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
Eurographics International Scientific Committee
International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, VAST 2010, 2011, 2013 Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, GCH2014
Digital Heritage 2013 (Under the patronage of UNESCO ), International Congress 2013
ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), 2013, 2014
University Governance and Service
Other Service
Women in Science and Engineering at Princeton Focus Group
Autodesk Design Your Future Program for Women in Science and Technology