Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans

Zhang Q, Heldermon C, Toler-Franklin C. Multiscale Detection of Cancerous Tissue in High Resolution Slide Scans. Advances in Visual Computing. ISVC 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2020 October; 12509. DOI: Abstract We present an algorithm for multi-scale tumor (chimeric cell) detection in high resolution slide scans. The broad range of tumor sizes in […]

3-D Material Style Transfer for Reconstructing Unknown Appearance in Complex Natural Materials

Ranjan S, Toler-Franklin C. 3-D Material Style Transfer for Reconstructing Unknown Appearance in Complex Natural Materials arXiv:2112.15589. 2021. Abstract We propose a 3-D material style transfer framework for reconstructing invisible (or faded) appearance properties in complex natural materials. Our algorithm addresses the technical challenge of transferring appearance properties from one object to another of […]

Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Layered Materials: A Multispectral Approach

Toler-Franklin C, Ranjan S. Non-Photorealistic Rendering of Layered Materials: A Multispectral Approach arXiv:2109.00780. 2021. Abstract We present multispectral rendering techniques for visualizing layered materials found in biological specimens. We are the first to use acquired data from the near-infrared and ultraviolet spectra for non-photorealistic rendering (NPR). Several plant and animal species are more comprehensively […]

CNN-Based Action Recognition and Pose Estimation for Classifying Animal Behavior from Videos: A Survey

Perez M. and Toler-Franklin C. CNN-Based Action Recognition and Pose Estimation for Classifying Animal Behavior from Videos: A Survey. arXiv:2301.06187. 2023 January; DOI: Abstract Classifying the behavior of humans or animals from videos is important in biomedical fields for understanding brain function and response to stimuli. Action recognition, classifying activities performed by one or […]

Multi-Feature Matching of Fresco Fragments

Corey Toler-Franklin, Benedict Brown, Tim Weyrich, Thomas Funkhouser, Szymon Rusinkiewicz. ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), Seoul, Korea, December 2010. Abstract We present a multiple-feature approach for determining matches between small fragments of archaeological artifacts such as Bronze-Age and Roman frescoes. In contrast with traditional 2D and 3D shape matching approaches, we introduce a […]

Learning How to Match Fresco Fragments

Learning How to Match Fresco Fragments Thomas Funkhouser, Hijung Shin, Corey Toler-Franklin, Antonio Garcia Castaneda, Benedict Brown, David Dobkin, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Tim Weyrich. Eurographics 2011 Special Area Track on Cultural Heritage, Llandudno, UK, April 2011 Abstract One of the main problems faced during reconstruction of fractured archaeological artifacts is sorting through a large number of […]